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Aug, 2023

5 Days Until Games Start!!


Our registrars are actively trying to approve rosters in order for game to be played this weekend but we still have a majority of towns and teams with incomplete rosters.  Please make sure that all of your coaches are up to date with their annual registration, CORI, Safesport, and concussion trainings.  For the photos, please make sure they are head shots (passport style) for all coaches and players.  If you have not submitted or approved waivers, we are also past the deadline and could be holding up roster approval.  We CANNOT approve a roster in the system without these items complete.

Fields and Insurance

If you have not yet filed for your certificates of insurance for your fields from MYSA, now is the time.  Many towns will require you to have a copy of the insurance and they take about a week.  The form for this can be found at  Initial Fall Insurance filing for adminds and players should also have been done with MA Youth.  Please make sure you are compliant for the fall season,.


Schedules have been published and can be found at the following direct link{0074D5B9-2E35-4332-A6BB-CBFFD9449F7D}.  For questions on printing rosters (2 color per game, for that game) or on rescheduling / scoring questions.  Make sure you are visiting our websites at


Central Mass Youth Soccer

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